The Keeper of the Lake

The Keeper of the Lake

Level 50, ilvl 90


Mor Dhona (X:28, Y:14)

The Rising Chorus

Fifteen years ago, in the skies above Silvertear Falls, the invading forces of the XIVth Legion were set upon by a host of dragons. Leading the charge was Midgardsormr, legendary king of kings, who engaged the Garlean flagship, the Agrius, in battle. In the end, both Midgardsormr and his foe fell to the earth, and their tangled remnants stand as a memorial to that day─a ruined airship, and the charred corpse of the wyrm lord who brought it low, forever devoid of life...  



During the encounter, the boss, Einhander, will use several abilities. "Aero Blast" is an unavoidable raidwide damage attack that affects all players. Another ability, "Resounding Screech," will cause untargetable clones of Einhander to appear, each holding ceruleum tanks. These tanks will be dropped onto the platform, creating large circle attacks. Players must keep their distance from the glowing red tanks to avoid taking damage. After the first tanks explode, more may begin to glow, so it is important to avoid those as well. Additionally, during the Resounding Screech phase, Einhander will also use the "Mark XLT Quick-firing cannon," which fires a line area-of-effect attack, causing at least two tanks to glow and explode. It is crucial to avoid these attacks. Lastly, Einhander has a tankbuster ability called "Heavy Swing," which players must be prepared to mitigate or heal through. Overall, players must be aware of these mechanics and react accordingly to successfully defeat Einhander.

Magitek Gunship

The gunship in the game has several attacks that players need to be aware of. One of these attacks is the Flame Thrower, where the gunship will periodically target a player with a large frontal cone attack. This attack lasts for several seconds, so it is important for players to move out of the attack marker and stay away from the flame area to avoid taking damage. Another attack is the Carpet Bomb, which is a circular area of effect attack. In addition to these attacks, the boss will also summon adds periodically, which should be taken care of by players so they can focus on defeating the gunship. Furthermore, the gunship will move across the arena and leave temporary fire puddles behind, which will apply a debuff called Burns if players walk into them.


Unlike most bosses, the boss's name is replaced with "???" in Duty Information for spoiler purposes. The boss has several attacks including Admonishment, a wide line attack, Disgust, unavoidable raidwide damage, Inner Turmoil, a close-range attack centered on the boss, and Outer Turmoil, a donut attack where the safe area is near the boss. The boss also summons two untargetable Mirage Dragons with Phantom Kin, who both cast Admonishment while Midgardsormr follows up with Inner Turmoil and Outer Turmoil to leave less room for players to dodge. Another attack, Animadversion, makes the boss untargetable and summons Mirage Dragons again, charging up Midgardsormr's Aether for the ultimate attack. If the dragons are not defeated before the gauge reaches 100%, Animadversion will wipe the party. Akh Morn introduces multi-stack markers, resulting in multiple attacks that players must stay stacked for. Antipathy is an expanding attack with fire circles, and players must stand on the middle ring and move to the center after the flames disappear. Condescension is a tankbuster attack. These mechanics repeat until the boss is defeated.
